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Michael Uloth

The full content of my 5 most recent posts

  1. Converting a list of JS objects into a parent-child tree

    My previous approach to displaying my notes on this site was to render them as a tree of infinitely nested topics and subtopics:

    A screenshot of a web page showing a list of topic links where subtopics are nested under parent topics.

    Parents and children

    To achieve that nesting, my solution was to manually give each note that represented a subtopic (or subsubsubtopic) a parent value (via markdown frontmatter) and then move any child notes (i.e. notes with a parent value) into their parent’s children array:

     * Given an array of collection items, returns the array with child items nested under their parents.
    function nestChildren(collection: Note[]): Note[] {
      // Step 1: Create a mapping of item IDs to item data 
      const slugToNodeMap = collection.reduce(
        (nodesBySlug, item): Record<string, Note> => {
          // Add an empty children array to the item's existing data
          nodesBySlug[] = { ...item, data: {, children: [] } }
          return nodesBySlug
        {} as Record<string, Note>,
      // Step 2: Build the nested item tree
      const tree = collection.reduce((roots, item): Note[] => {
        // Find the node matching the current collection item
        const node = slugToNodeMap[]
        if ( {
          // If the note has a parent...
          const parentNode = slugToNodeMap[]
          if (parentNode) {
            // ...add the item's data to the parent's children array
          } else {
            console.error(`Parent slug "${}" not found (this should never happen).`)
        } else {
          // If the item has no parent, treat it as a new root-level note
        // Return the updated tree and keep iterating
        return roots
      }, [] as Note[])
      // Return the final, nested tree
      return tree
     * Returns all notes with child notes nested under their parents.
    export const getNestedNotes = async (): Promise<Note[]> =>
      nestChildren(await getCollection('writing', note => isNote(note)))

    Incremental left padding

    My solution for visually indicating how those notes related to each other was to multiply each note’s left-padding by 1.4x its descendent level:

    <ul class="list-notes">
      { => {
          const getLinkText = (item: Note): string => ||
          const getChildren = (item: Note, level: number) =>
   && (
                  .sort((a: Note, b: Note) =>
                  .map((child: Note) => (
                      class="before:content-['└'] before:pe-[0.3rem] mt-[0.1rem]"
                      style={`padding-left: ${level === 0 ? 0 : 1.4}rem`}
                      <a href={`/${child.slug}/`} class="link">
                      {/* Recursively render grandchildren, etc */}
                      {getChildren(child, level + 1)}
          return (
            <li class="mb-2 break-inside-avoid-column">
              <a href={`/${note.slug}/`} class="link">
              {getChildren(note, 0)}

    Maintaining note hierarchies is a chore

    That was a fun programming puzzle to solve, but unfortunately it made my note-taking more difficult by forcing me to decide where each new thought belonged in the hierarchy before I could jot it down.

    To remove that friction, I’ve adopted to a flat (and eventually searchable and filterable) approach to note-taking instead. But I wanted to share this former nested-topics solution in case anyone else finds it useful.

  2. Tmux's version command is -V

    If you want to see which version of tmux is installed, you’re looking for

    tmux -V

    Not tmux -v.

    Not tmux --version.

    Not tmux version.

    Why you gotta be so special, tmux?

  3. SELECT DISTINCT outputs a column's unique values

    Here’s how to see every value in a column with SQL:

    FROM table_name

    I found that helpful today when I wanted to understand the significance of a value I was looking at by comparing it to the alternatives.

  4. It's tricky to statically type a "pipe" function in Python

    I wanted a type-safe pipe utility to help me write Python in a more functional style, but unfortunately toolz.pipe and returns.pipelines.flow both output Any.

    Happily, it turns out creating your own pipe mechanism is a one-liner:

    from functools import reduce
    result = reduce(lambda acc, f: f(acc), (fn1, fn2, fn3), value)

    Which you can reuse by wrapping it in a function:

    from functools import reduce
    from typing import Callable, TypeVar
    _A = TypeVar("A")
    _B = TypeVar("B")
    def pipe(value: _A, *functions: Callable[[_A], _A]) -> _A:
        """Pass a value through a series of functions that expect one argument of the same type."""
        return reduce(lambda acc, f: f(acc), functions, value)

    And calling it with any number of functions:

    assert pipe("1", int, float, str) == "1.0"
    # => i.e. str(float(int('1')))
    # => i.e. int("1") -> float(1) -> str(1.0) -> "1.0"

    So you can stop thinking up names for throwaway variables like these:

    def str_to_float_str(value: string):
        as_integer = int(value)
        as_float = float(as_integer)
        as_string = str(as_float)
        return as_string
    assert str_to_float_str("1") == "1.0"

    Credit to Statically-Typed Functional Lists in Python with Mypy by James Earl Douglas and the returns.pipeline.flow source code for the inspiration.

    Update: Nov 29, 2024

    While the pipe function above with the Callable[[A], A] type hint works fine if every function in the pipeline outputs the same type (A), the example I showed above doesn’t actually work out very well! Mypy notices that some of the functions (int and float) output a different type than we started with (str), so we aren’t actually passing A all the way through.

    After trying a number of workarounds (and getting some good advice on Reddit), I learned that you can either tell Mypy what’s going on by painstakingly articulating every possible overload:

    _A = TypeVar("A")
    _B = TypeVar("B")
    _C = TypeVar("C")
    _D = TypeVar("D")
    _E = TypeVar("E")
    def pipe(value: _A) -> _A: ...
    def pipe(value: _A, f1: Callable[[_A], _B]) -> _B: ...
    def pipe(
        value: _A, 
        f1: Callable[[_A], _B], 
        f2: Callable[[_B], _C]
    ) -> _C: ...
    def pipe(
        value: _A, 
        f1: Callable[[_A], _B], 
        f2: Callable[[_B], _C], 
        f3: Callable[[_C], _D]
    ) -> _D: ...
    def pipe(
        value: _A,
        f1: Callable[[_A], _B],
        f2: Callable[[_B], _C],
        f3: Callable[[_C], _D],
        f4: Callable[[_D], _E],
    ) -> _E: ...
    def pipe(value: Any, *functions: Callable[[Any], Any]) -> Any:
        return reduce(lambda acc, f: f(acc), functions, value)

    Or, you can just use expression, which already does this for you.

    I’m going to do the latter, but this was a fun exercise in the meantime. 😎

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