Intro to basic Vim movements
- Vim Alphabet • Michael Chan 📺
- Vim As Your Editor • ThePrimeagen 📺
- Vim Beginners Guide • LearnLinuxTV 📺
- Learning Vim in a Week • Mike Coutermarsh 📺
- Vim playlist • The Frugal Computer Guy 📺
Navigating within the same file
Moving the cursor
- Vim motions:
- horizontally: l, h, w, b, W, B, $, ^, 0
- vertically: k, j, {, }, …
- to a line: gg, G, {line number}gg, {line number}G, :{line number}
- to a character on the same line: f{char}, F{char}, t{char}, T{char}, ”;”, ”,”
= in visual mode, jump to other end of selection (to adjust where it starts or ends)
Moving the scroll position
- cursor vertically centered: zz
- move cursor within current scroll position: H, M, L
- scroll down/up: c-d, c-u
Navigating to a different file
- Moving to the relevant definition: gd, …
- Retracing your steps: c-o, c-i
- Using Telescope
- Using Netrw:
- Vim (31) netrw pt1 - Intro to netrw • The Frugal Computer Guy 📺
- Vim (32) netrw pt2 • The Frugal Computer Guy 📺
- Vim (33) NetRW copyVimrc • The Frugal Computer Guy 📺
- Vim (34) Netrw Fix Fuzzy Find • The Frugal Computer Guy 📺
- Using fzf
- Using a file tree
- Vim File Navigation • ThePrimeagen 📺
Navigating to a different window
- arranging windows: c-w s, c-w v, c-w q, c-w c, c-w o, c-w r, c-w x, c-w =, c-w _
- jumping between windows: c-w w, c-w h, c-w j, c-w k, c-w l
- Oil.nvim - My Favorite Addition to my Neovim Config - TJ DeVries