- Tmux From Scratch To BEAST MODE β’ DevOps Toolkit πΊ
- Introduction to tmux - a really quick one β’ Ben Kadel πΊ
- Getting Started with tmux β’ LearnLinuxTV πΊ
- Get Started with Tmux on Mac or Linux for Beginners β’ Shane Lee πΊ
- tmux manual β’ OpenBSD manual pages π
- Tmux Cheat Sheet & Quick Reference π
- tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet β’ Mohamed A. Hassan π
- Attach to last session:
$ tmux a
- Attach to session βnameβ:
$ tmux a -t name
- Create session:
$ tmux
orPrefix + :new
- Create sessionΒ βnameβ:
$ tmux new -s name
orPrefix + :new -s name
- List sessions:
$ tmux ls
orPrefix + s
- Move to previous session:
Prefix + (
- Move to next session:
Prefix + )
- Rename active session:
Prefix + $
- Detach from active session:
Prefix + d
- Hidden Tmux POWER: The Missing 50% β’ Covers the SessionX session manager plugin β’ DevOps Toolbox πΊ
- Create window:
Prefix + c
- List session windows:
Prefix + w
- Rename window:
Prefix + ,
- I changed this to
Prefix + r
- I changed this to
- Create vertical pane:
Prefix + %
- Create horizontal pane:
Prefix + "
- Move to next pane:
Prefix + o
- Alternate panes:
Prefix + ;
- Close pane:
Prefix + x
- How to Navigate Through Panes in tmux β’ Linux Hint π
# remap prefix from C-b to C-a
unbind C-b
set -g prefix C-a
bind C-a send-prefix
- ooloth/dotfiles/config/tmux/tmux.conf β’ My tmux config π¨βπ»
- Remapping the split window keys in tmux β’ Koen Woortman π
- A Better Copy Mode Bind for Tmux β’ Waylon Walker π
- How does one include the session-name in status bar for byobu-tmux? β’ Unix & Linux Stack Exchange π¨βπ»
- dotfiles/tmux at master Β· omerxx/dotfiles β’ DevOps Toolbox π©βπ»
- .tmux.conf β’ James Wickett π©βπ»
- Floating scratch terminal in tmux β’ Abin Simon π
- Tmux Pop Size β’ Waylon Walker π
- awesome-tmux β’ A list of awesome resources for tmux by Justin Garrison π
- tmux-fzf: Use fzf to manage your tmux work environment β’ Sainnhe Park π¦
- A tmux alternative
- Is Zellij the PERFECT Multiplexer? // Tmux Getting Dethroned! β’ Great intro video β’ DevOps Toolbox πΊ
- Zellij for Tmuxers β’ DevOps Toolbox πΊ
- dotfiles/zellij at master Β· omerxx/dotfiles β’ DevOps Toolboxβ zellij config π©βπ»
- Screencasts & Tutorials β’ Zellij β’ Basic Functionality + Floating Panes + Command Panes + Scrollback Editing Here we demonstrate some of the more basic functionality of Zellij and terminal multiplexers in general.
- Change tmux default to zsh - Stack Overflow β’ When tmux opens, I would like it to use zsh instead of bash by default. How would I accomplish this? π¨βπ»
- Writing Your tmux Config: a Detailed Guide β’ The Valuable Dev π¨βπ»
- Setting Options in tmux β’ Sean Hickey π¨βπ»
- A UX Expert Fixes My Tmux - nice recommendation to simplify boilerplate and move status bar to the top of the screen to avoid clutter at the bottom when vimβs status bar is active - DevOps Toolbox
- vim + tmux with Nick Nisi - Josh Medeski & Nick Nisi
- comparing their tmux + vim workflows
- tmux ideas:
- searching sessions with fzf
- auto-creating sessions named after folder
- auto-replacing window names with icons
- if using git worktrees
- clone bare repo so the main project folder just contains subfolders named after local branches (no project files at root level) to avoid finding duplicate files when searching in vim
- launch separate vim session per worktree
- status bar at top
- vim ideas:
- automatically open telescope find files on startup
- telescope input box at top
- 31:00: super minimal status bar (only lsp/git diff counts; no mode, filetype, line count etc)
- intro: Tmux has forever changed the way I write code. - Great video walking through how to quickly install and configure tmux to be nice to look at and work with - Dreams of Code
- pvolok/mprocs: Run multiple commands in parallel - tmux alternative for defining collections of processes to run in parallel
- kitty: trying out using kitty as a replacement for tmux (since I primarily use tmux for session/window management); so far, so good: the startup session feature is a nice replacement for tmux resurrect (since I generally want the same starting point each day since I tend to focus on a consistent shortlist of projects on each device)
- MacOS + Crowdstrike issue with ps is causing lost input characters and hanging Β· Issue Β· christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator