Things 3 workflow attempt log
TODO: publish these a separate entries (not this big one), then reference them in a “Things 3” note via backlinking.
tl;dr: I’ve been trying various approaches for years and am still finding I have pain points. The experimentation continues.
Current: Group Today view into a minimal set of headings
- Today:
- grouped by area headings: Morning, Appointments, Recurring, In Progress, WIP project tasks, Bedtime
- Recurring: move today’s to In Progress list; reschedule the rest
- WIP Project tasks: move today’s to In Progress list (i.e. out of project); reschedule or unschedule the rest
- After the morning, only the following groupings should remain: Appointments, In Progress, Bedtime
- Next Up area:
- collects projects and tasks I want to get to soon
- mix of Anytime + Someday, for sorting/planning purposes
- Other areass
- represent ongoing life areas
- all projects and area tasks in Someday
- Today: max 5 groups to read and manually sort (too many headings makes it hard to sequence tasks by priority regardless of their grouping)
- Today: groupings generally reflect the priority for the day (get morning tasks out the way, then don’t miss a meeting, then get important recurring tasks out of the way or reschedule them, then spend the rest of the day plowing through what’s currently in progress)
- In Progress: encourages keeping the list short by showing the reality of the length of the combined list (as opposed to scattering the list across many groupings)
- Next Up: prevents totally forgetting about projects/tasks that don’t have to be done TODAY but should be done SOON
- Overall, Today is more usable as it combines the best of both worlds: grouping by heading looks nicer and reduces some sorting toil, and minimizing how many grouping there are allows more flexibility in interleaving tasks from different areas and projects on a given day
- There’s a temptation to want to use the Appointments grouping to map out the day’s task sequence (hoping to just use that as a calendar reference and use In Progress for sequencing)
Don’t group Today view and prefer Anytime list
- Today: flat list of tasks, manually sorted every day
- Goal: never overschedule Today, and dip into Anytime list when Today is empty
- Goal: Today contains realistic quantity of tasks for today
- Goal: Anytime contains realistic quantity of tasks for the next week or two
- Goal: Someday contains everything else
- For a few days, it was really nice to have total freedom of the order of Today tasks
- In practice, I only look at Today most of the time
- I rarely looked at Anytime (in spite of tasks reminding me to do so)
- Anytime looked really cluttered to me, and always prioritized the areas by their fixed sort order
- Anytime: having to click/tap to unhide tasks is a pain compared to skimming
- Anytime: I much prefer to viewing areas and projects directly than scrolling through this view
- After a few days, the sense that I was losing track of relatively important tasks (because they were not scheduled and relied on me rediscovering them in the Anytime view) grew and grew
- Overall, I want to take everyone’s advice and use Things this way, but I lose track of too much and don’t want to have to keep returning to the giant tasks lists and make new decisions about priority; I’d rather do that less frequently and triage via the Today view
Group Today view and sort areas by their general priority
- Today: tasks grouped under headings: Morning, Meetings, Urgent, Work, (insert all separate life areas), Bedtime
- In general, I like the