- Convert string to an array of individual words
- e.g. if you are starting with a string of words separated by spaces,
string.split(' ')
- e.g. if you’re starting from a kebab-case slug,
- e.g. if you are starting with a string of words separated by spaces,
- Map through your list of words
- Capitalize the first words, always
- Capitalized the last word, always
- For the inner words, check if they are in a list of words that should not be capitalized (see Further reading below)
- If they are, leave them as is
- If they are not, capitalize them
- Store that list of words as a constant
- Join the array back into a string
- Return the string
- https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/capitalization/title-case
- provides a list of words to keep lowercase according to APA style
- articles are always lowercase
- short conjunctions are lowercase, but with 4+ characters they aren’t
- short prepositions are lowercause, but with 4+ characters they aren’t
- nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives are always capitalized
- https://www.grammarly.com/blog/capitalization-in-the-titles/
- see my title-casing logic in
for deriving page titles from slugs when no title has been set