- Fantastic talk
- Focused on user stories driving not only how a team works, but how the organization is structured
- Both the organization and software architecture should be organized in vertical slices representing bounded contexts containing user stories
- The only technical work that is done is what is required by the story to get value into users’ hands
- There are no technical stories — only stories from the users’ perspective
- In agile, everything is an experiment, including the user story
- The story is an experiment trying to prove that it helps the users, which user feedback will validate
- The agile way of dealing with the risk that the experiment will fail is to work in small steps (1-2 days) and get feedback
Original video by CraftHub Events:
This talk was recorded at Craft Conference 2021. Allen Holub from Holub Associates spoke about the intersection of process and architecture.
Architecture (of both your code and your organization) and process are interrelated and interdependent. Change one and you must change them all. Agile transformations fail when the code and organizational structure don’t change to make agility possible. A new software architecture will fail if your organizational architecture doesn’t change to support it.
In this lecture, you’ll learn:
- How architecture, process, and organizational structure interact and why
- How Agile principles and values influence software and organizational architecture
- What an agile-friendly architecture looks like and how to create one