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Prompt Engineering

System prompt:

  • Start with a system prompt to set the desired output language, version, syntax etc
  • “Act as a…”
  • Add as many details as you can about exactly how you’d like ChatGPT to reply/not reply
  • If you’re generating content, add adjectives that describe the writing style you want (witty? for beginners?)

Output format:

  • Specify the output structure you want
  • e.g. “explain step-by-step”
  • e.g. “structure output as an array of objects with the following keys: …”)
  • Few shot standard prompts = providing a few question + answer examples to clarify what answer you want and how you want it presented


  • Specify any conditions that must be met while/before completing task
  • e.g. “Please ask any questions you may have before generating a response.”

Prompt text formatting:

  • Use delimiters (e.g. `````, """, ---) to clearly indicate distinct parts of the input
  • Wrap code blocks in ```


  • When generating code, start simple, repair as needed, add next functionality, repair as needed, etc
  • When writing, consider first promoting for facts, then prompting for a write up (including the type, length, style etc)
  • At the end of a prompt, ask “Does that make sense?”


Preparing for an interview

  • Act as a technical interviewer and ask me five questions about X
    • What is the answer to question 1?
  • 🧠 How ChatGPT changed my approach to learning • Use voice mode to simulate a real conversation with an interviewer • Frank Andrade 📖

Using on macOS via Raycast AI
